This year is the last chance to apply for the Deák Erika Grant

Date: 2024.06.03
Over a period of five years since the 2020/2021 academic year, the owner of Deák Erika Gallery provides a professional grant of HUF 500,000 to a different Design Theory MA or Art and Design Management MA student of our university each year. This is the last year to apply; applications are open until 12 June.

The grant is awarded to bolster the professional attitude of students and provide help for developing their degree projects. Design Theory MA and Art and Design Management MA students in their last but one semester before graduation or graduating in the following academic year are eligible to apply.   

It is important that the entries should relate to Hungarian contemporary art and its potential forms of conveyance, which should be the subject the student wishes to explore in their graduation year. Each year, the recipient of the grant is selected via a competition jointly by the heads of programmes, programme leads and Erika Deák.  

The first recipient of the grant was Noémi Viski in 2020, who explored the environmental impacts of information technology, social and ecological issues also affecting our future and their alternative solutions in her research and resulting exhibition at the 111 gallery. In 2022 Luca Adamik was awarded for her research plan involving the oeuvres of Hungarian neo-avant-garde and post-avant-garde female artists in a global context. In 2023, Design Theory MA student Brigitta Ádi won for her analysis of the character of urban public spaces through the ephemeral and location-specific artistic interventions of the early 90s. Last year, in an unprecedented decision, three students received the grant: Design Theory MA student Eszter Sára Szabó for her exhibition concept developed for beyond galleries, and Art and Design Management MA student Natasa Tereh and her team for an impressive showcase designed for the MOME Campus.

Gallery owner Erika Deák represents Hungarian progressive fine arts with dedication and expertise, helping advance the creative careers of MOME alumni such as Éva Magyarósi, Hanna Rédling, József Bullás, József Csató, Attila Szűcs, and Zsófi Barabás. The Deák Erika Grant is her effort to support the career of her prospective young colleagues, and we are thankful for her contribution to the professional growth of our students.  


Submission deadline for this year’s entries is 12 June 2024. I The detailed call for entries is available here

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