Janka Csernák DLA
Innovation Center

Janka Csernák DLA is a researcher in social design at MOME Innovation Center. She is currently leading research about the role of design in communities of disadvantaged girls. She teaches courses on social design and speculative design at MOME and other institutions.

Fields of education
social design
design for sustainability
speculative design
Fields of research
social design


Janka Csernák is a social designer and researcher. She is currently finishing her DLA in social design and gender equity. She has worked as a market-based product and concept designer and curator for diverse audiences and her track record has informed her years of working in social design. Her research focuses on social design in the context disadvantaged groups, gender equity, participatory design, design ethics and speculative design. 
In addition to teaching multidisciplinary social design courses in Zagreb (ALU), Gent (KASK) and
Tallinn (EKA), she has delivered workshops during hackathons and summer universities, and she is also a co-founder of the Social Design Network. She received the Hungarian Design Award for several projects in 2014 and 2015, and the Fondation Jacques Rougerie Award in 2013.

Professional works

design workshop for disadvantaged young girls

research and content development, project lead

Awards, recognition

Award of Jacques Rougerie Foundation 2013

‘Architecture and sea level rise’

Hungarian Product Design Award 2014


Hungarian Product Design Award 2015



Publication title
Csernák, J., Szerencsés, R., Horváth, L., Dés, F. (2023), FRUSKA Handbook, FRUSKA Kézikönyv, MOME, Budapest


Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121