Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Emerging Technology Conference

Keynote Speakers
Social Impact Hackathon
8 December 2023
H-1121 Budapest, Zugligeti út 9-25. MOME TWO (T_007)

In today's digital landscape, the fusion of design and artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how we create, communicate, and interact with the world around us. 

Moholy - Nagy University of Art and Design invites you to our one-day conference, "Emerging Technology Conference – AI in Art and Design", where we will explore the dynamic intersection of design and cutting-edge technology.

Intersection of Art, Design and Emerging Technologies

Discover the symbiotic relationship between art, design, and emerging technologies, and how these disciplines converge to redefine creativity and expression.

Our event provides a platform for cross-pollination of ideas, fostering collaboration between educational institutions and businesses.

We envision the creation of research groups, partnerships, and collaborations that will propel the field of design into the future.


Keynote Speakers

László Mérő

He is a mathematician by profession, professor emeritus at the Institute of Psychology of ELTE, his main research interests are psychology of thinking and economic psychology. His books for a wider intellectual audience have been published in 11 languages.

Gábor Prószéky

Computer Linguist, Director General of the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics of Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Expert and frequent speaker at European Community forums on computational linguistics. In addition to nearly 200 scientific publications, he has written three books on computational processing of human languages.

Tuan Trinh, PhD

He has 15+ years experience as tech leader and innovator with a strong background in R&D. He has a broad background in ICT, both in industry and in academia. He received his MSc degree in Computer Science and his PhD in the same field at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary. One of the main highlights of his carrier was to take a leading part in the foundation of two innovation centres focusing on Education-Research-Business integration at universities.

Communication researcher, professor at MOME. Her main research interests include classical and modern rhetoric, new media communication and futures.  In these fields she has published four books and four co-authored books, edited five books, and published more than 200 scientific and scholarly publications and studies in Hungarian and English. Her most recent co-edited and co-authored publication is Deepfake: The Unreal Reality, published in 2023.

David Szauder

Media artist. Studied Art History at the Eötvös Loránd University and Intermedia at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest, and completed a Masters Fellowship at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture at the Aalto University in Helsinki. 
He was a visiting lecturer at the Film Academy, Potsdam, in addition to leading workshops on interactive media in Berlin and Budapest since 2010. 
Since 2023, he has been teaching ‘AI’ courses at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.

She started her professional career in Germany at a film sales agency, where she learned the basics of the film trade, its operating mechanisms and the European film industry. She has visited Europe's most important film festivals and has been involved in the marketing and PR campaigns of several festival-winning feature films.

As Head of the Centre for Data Science and Digitisation at MOME, he is responsible for the development and implementation of the university's data strategy. As a research psychologist, he has participated in several international research projects and has several international academic publications to his credit. Later, he gained experience as a data scientist in industry and higher education.

Ágoston Nagy is an artist and currently teaches creative technology at the MOME Interaction Design programme. He is a former researcher at Kitchen Budapest Media Lab and Prezi, and regularly holds international workshops on the use of open source technologies. His projects have been featured at events at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Media Art (ZKM), MUTEK Montreal, among others. His main research interests are generative art, cognitive computing, data visualization and sonification, and the cultural impact of decentralized networks.


Tamás Fogarasy is head of the Interaction Design programme at MOME. He founded one of the first MOME OPEN courses on the same topic, which has been running since 2013. In 2015 he launched a short service design course and an interaction design lab.

Solution designer, digital transformation specialist, Director of Strategic Development at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. He is interested in tasks where complex problems need to be solved and innovative solutions from different disciplines need to be combined.

Come explore, discuss, and collaborate at the Moholy - Nagy University of Art and Design "Emerging Technology Conference – AI in Art and Design" conference. Be part of the conversation that will define the future of design in the digital age.

The event will be mainly in Hungarian, but we will provide a translation machine for our English-speaking visitors. 

Social Impact Hackathon

During the conference, our university also hosts a 3-day hackathon under the theme 'Artificial Intelligence for Green Cities', aiming at showcasing the oppportunities AI can offer in combination with sustainable design and urban planning.
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9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121