Doctoral thesis defence of architect Tamás Bene
Title of the doctoral thesis: Five works in slow motion | unpacking a performative research in architecture
Doctoral masterwork: Burning, Table, Jetty, Chairs, Bench.
Supervisors: associate professor Ákos Juhász DLA and associate professor Miklós Erhardt DLA
Field: Architecture DLA
Chair of the defence committee: university professor and film director András Monory Mész DLA habil., members: university professor Gábor Zoboki DLA habil. University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology and university professor Levente Szabó DLA habil., BME Department of Public Building Design of BME
Opponents: Associate professor András Beck PhD, MOME Institute for Theoretical Studies and senior lecturer Mónika Dánél, ELTE Institute of Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies.