Emerging Technology Conference 2024 - Technology, Nature, and the Blurring Boundaries
Our topics will include:
- The workings of biophilic design frameworks,
- Designing technology-enhanced nature experiences,
- Approaches to health and well-being in design,
- Sustainable material use in biophilic design,
- Speculative design for future natural landscapes.
We welcome educators, researchers, industry professionals, and students to this event, which promotes the discussion of various critical perspectives on the intersection of art, design, and new technologies. Explore the symbiotic relationship between nature and emerging technologies, and how these fields redefine our approach to sustainability.
During the events, different viewpoints will converge, creating synergies that foster collaboration between educational institutions and businesses. Our goal is to establish research groups, partnerships, and collaborations that advance our relationship with nature and sustainability toward building a liveable future.
Let’s explore together the opportunities, challenges, and ethical considerations of technology in the context of artificial intelligence.
Please note that the conference will be held primarily in English, with translation headsets available for Hungarian-speaking participants.
We look forward to seeing you at the event.
For more information, please CLICK HERE.