Every piece of jewellery is narrative – Anna Börcsök’s doctoral thesis defence and exhibition opening
The MOME Doctoral School cordially invites everyone to the doctoral defence and exhibition opening of jewellery designer Anna Börcsök. The doctoral dissertation is entitled The Narrative Jewellery . . . Design, Methodological Research, Art Narratives in Design. The related masterwork will be featured in the Secret. Contemporary Narrative Jewellery exhibition opening at MOME and curated by Börcsök, alongside the following other exhibitors: Attila Norbert Dávid, Marcell Égi, Veronika Fábián, Patrícia Harsány, Kinga Huber, Fanni Király, Fanni Vékony, Mária Roskó, Nóra Tengely, Zoltán Tóth, Gábor János Varga.
“Jewellery is signs and symbols in space, acting as prompts for communication between the artists, the audience, and the wearers. The materials around us offer endless possibilities to communicate messages through the language of objects. The exhibition explores the relationship between objects in the context of a specific space. Will the viewer be able to notice the connections?”
The exhibition will be opened by photographer Érmezei Lili Zoé.
For more details, see the Facebook event.