Product Designer Veronika Szalai’s doctoral thesis defence

The Doctoral School of MOME cordially invites you to attend product designer Veronika Szalai’s doctoral thesis defence.

Title of the doctoral thesis: Play-based activity(ies). The players's perspective of play state  
Doctoral masterwork: The model of play state

Field: Applied Arts DLA 
Supervisors: University professor Pál Koós DLA and associate professor Anikó Illés PhD.

Chairman of the Expert Committee: PhD university professor Márton Szentpéteri PhD, MOME Doctoral School  
Members of the defence committee: Associate professor Csaba Szegedi DLA habil., MOME 
and associate professor and Vice Dean for Education Emma Lógó PhD, BME Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Department of Ergonomics and Psychology

Opponents: Senior lecturer Dr. Edit Németh, ELTE Faculty of Economics, Department of Management and Business Law, and senior lecturer Ákos Lipóczki DLA, MOME


Event information

Date: 1 December 2023, 9:00 a.m.
Venue: MOME Film Studio

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