Renáta Dezső | Doctoral Dissertation Defense

The MOME Doctoral School kindly invites you to Renáta Dezső designer’s dissertation defense.

The MOME Doctoral School kindly invites you to Renáta Dezső designer’s dissertation defense.

The language of the public doctoral examination is English.

Discipline: DLA in Applied Arts
Supervisor: Ákos Lipóczki DLA, associate professor, Design Institute 
Doctoral dissertation: co-Ability - Aligned arguments for the dissolution of a human „Centre”  |  Theses
Masterwork: co-Ability Methodology

Examination Board
Chairman: György Könczei DSc professor, Eötvös Lóránd University, Bárczy Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education
Committee Members: Andor Wesselényi-Garay PhD professor, Széchenyi István University, Győr; Hungarian Academy of Arts, researcher and Attila Horányi PhD associate professor, MOME Institute for Theorethical Studies
Opponents: Jessica Hemmings PhD professor University of Gothenburg, researcher, MOME visiting professor and József Zalavári DLA professor, University of Sopron

Date:    12 September 2022, 2 pm
Place:   MOME Auditorium |1121 Budapest, Zugligeti street 9-25.

14:00 - 16:00

Event information

Date: 2022. September 12., 14:00 - 16:00

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9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121