Zsolt Péter Balogh's habilitation lecture

The MOME Doctoral School kindly invites you to the habilitation lecture of product designer and senior lecturer of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics Zsolt Péter Balogh’s in the field of Applied Arts.

The Chairman of the Expert Committee is university professor Pál Koós DLA, MOME Design Institute, and members include university professor, Head of PHD programme of MOME Doctoral School Márton Szentpéteri PhD, and associate professor Péter Menasági DLA habil., Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Department of Sculpture

11:00 a.m.: Public professional colloquium - Artists’ and teachers’ careers
After the presentation, committee members and the audience can ask questions and the committee will evaluate the colloquium in a closed session. 

After a successful outcome, the event will continue with the lecture.

12:30 p.m.: lecture: “Battle of motifs” – Formal motives in plane and space
After the presentation, committee members and the audience can ask questions and the committee will evaluate the colloquium in a closed session.

11:00 - 13:00

Event information

Date and time: Wednesday, 1 February 2023, 11:00 a.m.
Venue: MOME Auditorium

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