University of the Future – For Students
The "Three Schools" Model
The Classic School
BA programmes
The Classic School is a classical foundational training preparing students for working in the creative industries, going to market, and continuous learning. The new system of preparatory and undergraduate education is tailored to the needs of Gen Z and Alpha. It places a strong emphasis on personalised student development and mentoring, community building, and prioritising key thematic areas defining their future, such as the innovative use of new technologies, solving ecological issues, and tackling social and societal challenges.
The Future School
MA and doctoral programmes; research, incubation, and innovation
The Future School is an interdisciplinary innovation school focusing on, and preparing MA and doctoral students, and researchers for the complex issues of the future. Its education, research, and incubation units form a unique innovation ecosystem unparalleled in the world of academia.
The Professional School
Short-term and partial trainings
The Professional School provides postgraduate programmes, courses, and short-term training programmes in a personalised structure to help creative industry professionals with prior experience further build knowledge and maintain competitiveness.
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University Life Platform
Ha a MOME közösségének tagja, azaz az egyetem hallgatója, oktatója vagy munkavállalója vagy, az egyetem új belső kommunikációs platformján, az ULP (University Life Platform) felületén további híreket és hasznos információkat találsz a Jövő Egyeteméről is.
Az ULP-t használhatod desktopon és letöltheted applikációként az app store és a google play felületéről.
A munkavállalók esetében a belépés rövid felhasználó névvel és a mindenhol használt jelszóval, a hallgatók esetében Neptun kóddal + Neptun jelszóval lehetséges.