Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

MOME Guide

Get to know our Campus
Who to contact
Opening Hours
Curricula and Course Descriptions
Regulations and policies
Useful documents

Get to know our Campus

and the members of the MOME community, so you will always know where to go.

Who to contact

The MOME Student Hub is a university organisational unit responsible for two major areas: student services and alumni relations. It offers a range of services related to career support across programmes, student well-being, accommodation in residence hall, equal opportunities, mental health, tutoring and mentoring, as well as a variety of sports activities.

The Student Service Centre and Registrar’s Office helps students by answering administrative and academic questions related to the University.

Click here to see all our programmes and then, after selecting the programme you are looking for, you can find contact details of the head of the programme, programme lead, programme manager and professors.

Opening Hours

Click to explore the locations, services, and opening hours for the following:

Curricula and Course Descriptions

Get familiar with the Neptun login interface, where you can find useful links, documents for download, and the latest news. 

A collection of sample curricula, syllabuses, and course descriptions is also available here, and will be essential throughout your studies.

The higher education institution issues a recommended curriculum to help students put together their study schedules. This is known as the sample curriculum, which is a suggested curriculum that allows you to complete your degree within the prescribed study period.

A key part of this curriculum is the subject – a study unit that can be completed within one (or sometimes more) semester(s), carries a specific credit value, has completion requirements, and includes a course description – designed to impart knowledge, develop skills, and offer practice opportunities. Each subject is delivered through a course during the specified semester, featuring a defined method and type of instruction. 

The course description provides a summary of the details, identifiers, and specifics of the subject, outlininig the course content and the requirements necessary for successful completion.

Regulations and policies

You can access MOME's current regulations and policies via this link. As a student, the following might be of particular relevance to you: 

  • Regulations for Studies and Examinations 
  • Tuition Payment and Benefits Policy 
  • Equal Opportunities Policy 
  • Intellectual Property Management Policy 
  • Pannonia Regulations
  • Residence Hall Operational Rules
  • CEO’s Directive on MOME TechPark Equipment Rental Rules 
  • Joint Rector-CEO Directive 1/2024 (II.12.) on Workshop Residency Regulations

Useful documents

Name of document
Schedule of the 2024/2025 academic year
Applications, forms
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