Applications for the Tomorrow Belongs to You 2025 scholarship programme have closed

Date: 2025.01.21
Nearly ninety applications were submitted for MOME’s Tomorrow Belongs to You – For the Creative Talents of the Future 2025 scholarship programme. Applicant interviews began on 10 January at the MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Art in Debrecen and continued at the MOME Campus in Budapest, as well as in Békéscsaba at the Szeberényi Gusztáv Adolf Lutheran Grammar School, Technical School, Art Secondary School, and Primary School, and in Miskolc at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC).

Since autumn, MOME’s expert team has visited nearly twenty institutions, introducing the university’s programmes to around a thousand secondary school students. Presentations were held in cities including Debrecen, Kecskemét, Nyíregyháza, Pécs, Szerencs, Székesfehérvár, and Szolnok, extending the programme’s reach to smaller towns in Szabolcs County, the Kecskemét-Szolnok-Cegléd triangle, and the Székesfehérvár region. 

The goal of the programme is to provide scholarships to more than twenty students each year supporting them in successfully passing the admission entrance examination. This includes assistance with creative preparation, developing their entrance examination portfolios, and fostering their mental well-being. The second cohort of selected students will visit Budapest in February. 

The creative skills development semester is organised as part of the PreMOME SPARK course, funded by the Pallas Athéné Domus Meriti Foundation, with monthly scholarships for participating students provided by the National Talent Centre. Applications for the programme were submitted through the eContest platform developed by EOX Kft., and participants also received book packages courtesy of Libri Bookstores. We would like to express our gratitude for their support. 

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