Ágnes Kapitány 70 conference

The Institute for Theoretical Studies will organise the Symbols – Relationships – Worldviews conference on 7 December 2023 from 10 a.m. at the Auditorium to celebrate university professor and professor emerita Ágnes Kapitány.

Following the opening speeches of Rector József Fülöp and Director of the MOME Institute for Theoretical Studies Attila Horányi, the whole-day professional event will feature short, 20-minute presentations on a wide range of subjects from human relationships and fashion to visual arts. Speakers will include Péter Somlai, Anna Keszeg, Andrea Dull, Kristóf Deák, Gábor Arion Kudász, while toasts will be delivered by Eszter Babarczy, Hedvig Harmati, Pál Koós, Attila Cosovan, Judit Droppa, Vera Messing, Tímea Antalóczy, Judit Morvay, Márton Szentpéteri and András Ferkai.

The event is sponsored by the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Hungarian Society for Cultural Anthropology, and HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences. 

Event information

Date: 07/12/2023 10:00 a.m.
Venue: MOME Auditórium

The event will be held in Hungarian.

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