Admission info session: English-language MA programmes

Join us on 13 February to learn everything you need to know about applying to MOME’s English-language MA programmes.

Are you interested in pursuing a master’s degree at MOME? Join us for an in-depth online information session to learn about the admissions process for our English-language MA programmes.  

This session will provide valuable insights into:  
- The application requirements and deadlines  
- Key steps in the admissions process  
- Portfolio preparation and submission guidelines  
- Tips for crafting a strong application  
- Student life in Hungary

You will also have the opportunity to participate in a live Q&A session, where we will answer your questions and provide guidance to help you navigate the admissions process.  

No prior registration is required—simply join us on this link on 13 February at 17:00 CET.  

Please note that the session will be held in English.  

We look forward to welcoming you!

Esemény információ

További események

17:00 - 18:30

Join us on 13 March to learn how the Regional Social Mobility Scholarship can help you pursue your studies at MOME.
09:00 - 14:00

Mesterképzésre felvételiznél a MOME-ra? Angol nyelvű mesterszakjainkon ismét portfolio review alkalmakat hirdetünk, hogy ezzel is hozzásegítsünk a sikeres felvételihez szükséges portfoliód összeállításában.