Architectural Matters - Debora Mesa Molina előadása

MOME Architecture Institute’s Public Lecture Series welcomes prominent Hungarian and International Architects, Designers, and Thinkers to present and discuss their work within the built environment.

The Spring 2023 series titled “Architectural Matters” features a diversity of lecturers from around Europe whose work focuses on the materialization of forward-thinking concepts. The wide range of expertise creates an opportunity for discussion and reflection on the state of creating our cities of tomorrow. 

About the first lecture:
Débora Mesa Molina, (Madrid, 1981) is European Licensed Architect and principal of Ensamble Studio, a cross-functional team she leads with her partner Antón García-Abril, based in Madrid and Boston. Balancing imagination and reality, art and science, their work innovates typologies, technologies and methodologies to address issues as diverse as the construction of the landscape or the prefabrication of the

All lectures are free and open to the public, providing refreshments and followed by time for discussion. Continuing education credits are available through the Hungarian Chamber of Architects. For more information contact  

This event is generously sponsored by Global Voices at MOME, a MOME Foundation Initiative, with additional support from the Institute Cervantes Budapest.


Event information

Date: 1/3/2023, 6p.m.
Venue: MOME MASTER, Auditorium
Language: English

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