Portfolio review – 9 May

Are you interested in applying for a Master’s at MOME? Once again this spring we are announcing portfolio reviews for our English-language Master’s programmes to help you put together a portfolio for successful admission.

At these online discussions, you can present your works and ask questions to representatives of the programme. Select the desired programme(s) from the list below, and book a time slot for a personal portfolio review. Booking an appointment is required for participating in the portfolio review.


Designer-Maker MA in English

Book a 1-1 portfolio review with Angéla Góg, Head of our Designer-Maker MA programme.

Book an appointment

Design MA in English 

Book a 1-1 portfolio review with Design MA faculty members. Appointments can be booked with Panni Pais, Head of programme and Daniel Ruppert, Head of Mobility Design Lab. (Those interested in the Smart Mobility specialisation should choose a time slot with Daniel Ruppert.)

Book an appointment

Interaction Design MA in English 

Book a 1-1 review with Tamás Fogarasy, Head of our Interaction Design MA programme.

Book an appointment

Photography MA in English

Book a 1-1 portfolio review with Arion Kudász, Head of our Photography MA programme.

Book an appointment

Event information

Date: 9 May 2024

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Budapest, 1121