Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Innovation Center

Research Hubs
Art & Design Incubation
Core Activities
Design-driven research, development and innovation for impact
The Innovation Center conducts impactful, design-focused, interdisciplinary R&D projects, while also inspiring designers of the CEE region.

Research Hubs

The Innovation Center conducts research across four main fields, each represented by a separate hub.

he changing climate, evolving human needs, and concerns about future resilience require a fundamental rethinking of the resources and materials we use. We adopt a material-driven design approach to explore and redefine the relationship between humanity and the resources in our environment, aiming to shape the future of food and materials.

Over the past decades, the surge in data generation for, about and by individuals has made data narratives increasingly complex, and often challenging for non-experts to understand. Our research aims to demystify these data narratives, enabling people to understand, interpret, and use data more effectively. By doing so, we promote clearer, more inclusive, and transparent human-data interactions in daily life.

Amid the rapid development of human/computer interaction, we at the Immersion & Interaction Hub explore the speculative scenarios of immersive environments that allow us to have a fulfilling relationship to our natural environment and our own selves.

Climate change, social inequalities, urban mobility, and other pressing issues compel us to think together about ways design can support positive changes. Our hub’s participatory, practice-based design research contributes to creating a more sustainable economy and a resilient society for everyone.

Art & Design Incubation

Our art and design-centered incubation program supports the most outstanding student projects and theses, with a focus on long-term value creation.

Core Activities

We offer a range of services and partnership opportunities. Interested? Reach out to us:

R&D Partnerships

Design-based research, commissioned research, joint grant applications and new product development.

Open Innovation

Meaningful student engagement in R&D and run needs-based hackathons and incubation programs.

Research on the CEE region's corporate design maturity.

Tailor-made Design Courses

Corporate trainings to strengthen design, innovation and research competences in real business operations.


What does it mean to be a responsible fashion designer, and what role does education play in this regard? What influences are most apparent in the work of the latest generation of designers? Each year, the Fashion and Textile Design programme at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) hosts a Fashion Show, showcasing the work of its graduating students and alumni which not only hold aesthetic value but also convey powerful social and cultural messages. This time, the entire visual concept of the show was designed by students, while the alumni community is represented by the latest collection of the THEFOUR brand, which has recently opened their own store.

Launched jointly by the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and the University, the Aurum Futuri Excellence Awards have been presented for the second time in MOME’s history. This year’s recipients are lead instructor of the Mobility Design specialisation András Húnfalvi, and head and lead researcher of the Immersion & Interaction Hub Ágnes Karolina Bakk PhD.

At the MOME Campus, we recently had a honey harvest! Two bee families named Méz-ga and Tóték settled on the campus and diligently produced already 40 kg of forest flower honey over a month. With the help of certified beekeeper Tamás Kutasi, the university community extracted the 'MOME-honey' and collected beeswax and propolis during the first honey harvest.


14:00 - 17:30

The primary goal of the thematic symposium organized by MOME Innovation Center is to enliven academic public life at the university, promote knowledge transfer between disciplines and network.
17:00 - 19:00

We are organising an open session on campus to introduce you to opportunities offered by some of our partners and stakeholders.
14:00 - 17:30

During the workshop, we'll inspect what new role data can play in future urban interactions.


Director of Innovation Center

Head of Partnerships

Strategic Design Lead

Head of MOME Open

Head of Operations
Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121